Monday, March 20, 2017

The real ife in Vietnam

Last week I had the opportunity to go into a family's home with the Mormon missionaries. It was my first time in someone's home here and it was really interesting. It's not like the homes in America I have been to, I can tell you that. A lot of people in the middle of the old quarters live in one room with their family. I've been told that people will have 5 to 6 people living in such a small space. The rooms are small and they have to conserve as much space as possible. The mother, father, and children will live in the home. When their children marry then the son's new wife will live there also. It's amazing. I think how the type of housing works here is that you don't own or rent out an entire home, you do it by rooms. Not everyone lives like this but some do. It's very eye opening that people around the world live like this. In America you have rooms that you have but never even go in, they're just for show.

I walked around the street for a while by myself before I went to the girl's home. I have seen enough animal parts to last me a life time! Seriously, yet I still eat it. They have everything just sitting out there in the open. I could tell that foreigners don't come to this part of town because I was getting weird looks and they weren't as friendly as other places in Hanoi. They were confused, I think, as to why I was walking around this part of town. I'm glad that I walked down the small alleys to be able to look into people homes and to really see how they live. It was a cool experience.
 Ducks hanging in a store front window
 The food here is so fresh! I can tell the difference from the eggs here and from America.
 So many new fruits and vegetables that I have tried and seen here!
 First plate: A chicken and
Second Plate: Pig snout, ear, feet, and intestines
This is the most disgusting thing! A goat just hanging from its neck! Not pictured is the rest of the body in the buckets below, including its feet.

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